The Future Okavango
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New TFO publication
The TFO Final Synthesis Report is now available for download in English and Portuguese.
New Video -   Sharing The Future Okavango research results: The film communicates some of the project’s research results to rural dwellers in Angola, Namibia and Botswana.
TFO Projects

Scientific support for sustainable land and resource management in the Okavango basin

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The Okavango basin with its variety of savannah woodlands and wetland ecosystems linked by the central lifeline of the Okavango River is a global hot-spot of accelerating change and land use conflicts. The river has its source in the rainy highlands of Angola and terminates in the Okavango Delta, the world's largest inland delta and the largest freshwater swamp south of the equator. The TFO project will analyze ecosystem functions and services within this trans-boundary basin of high international visibility and high potential transferability of results to other tropical and sub-tropical regions.

Photo of the region
 Botswana: Flooded area of the Panhandle in March, Seronga
(Photo: Rasmus Revermann)

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